TMJ or Temporomandibular joint disorder is a tight and painful feeling in the jaw. It also involves chronic headaches and bruxism which is grinding of the teeth. If you live in Spring, TX or any of the surrounding areas and are suffering from TMJ give Tymes Square Dental a call today! You can count on us to give you the best possible experience and care you deserve. Call or make an appointment today.
When you have TMJ the tendons and muscles in your jaw that allow you to chew, smile and talk become tight and painful. Which can lead to inflammation and reduced movement. Some people are more prone to TMJ than others. If you have poor posture, arthritis, high stress levels or trauma to your jaw your risk for TMJ increases.
You already know that TMJ causes jaw pain and discomfort, however some other symptoms are:
· Bruxism (teeth grinding)
· Pain in your face or ears
· Pain when you yawn
· Headaches or Migraines
· Clicking or locking of the temporomandibular joint
· Limit of facial movement because of facial discomfort
Here at Tymes Square Dental we want to make sure you are taken care of completely. In order to diagnose something as painful as TMJ we use x-rays to look at your jaw for any abnormalities that may be going on. We also will listen to your jaw as you open and close your mouth, and will feel the way your jaw moves. Our dentist will also ask about your symptoms and how long they have been occurring.
There are several different treatment options at Tymes Square Dental that we offer our patients for TMJ depending on the severity of your condition.
If your symptoms are small or mild they will go away on their own after a few days of rest. We recommend during those few days to eat soft food, do jaw compresses and take medications that are anti-inflammatory.
Night guards can also be worn at night to benefit you while you sleep. There are several designs and styles available to fit your specific taste. The night guards are used to hold your jaw in the correct position to fix and prevent any jaw comfort you may be experiencing. A bonus factor of the night guard is that it may reduce snoring, which we know everyone can benefit from.
Our dentistry can also use special injections and treatments to paralyze and relax muscles. This option is only for temporary relief, it will wear off after awhile. The injection helps if muscle spasms in your jaw is the cause of your TMJ. The injection helps the muscles by releasing the spasm and relieving the symptoms.
Don’t let TMJ ruin your life, call Tymes Square Dental Today to schedule an appointment!
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